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Why the CAT4 matters

The CAT4 assessment is a crucial tool for unlocking your child's full academic potential and is widely used in school entrance and set placement decisions. Schools use CAT4 in academic references for future schools, scholarships and even to tier GCSE entries.

By measuring a range of cognitive abilities—verbal, non-verbal, quantitative, and spatial—CAT4 provides a comprehensive understanding of how your child thinks and learns. This valuable insight allows teachers to tailor their instruction to your child's unique strengths and areas for improvement, ensuring they receive the personalised support they need to excel.

A lack of familiarity and exposure to these types of questions can lead to students seriously underperforming and reducing their academic opportunities. Investing in CAT4 means giving your child the best chance to succeed in their educational journey, setting them up for future achievements and a lifelong love of learning.

Boosting CAT4 scores

Boosting CAT4 scores involves enhancing your child's cognitive abilities and test-taking skills. Our courses develop both knowledge and skills specific to the CAT4 assessment.

We teach all the CAT4 questions, explaining steps and practicing similar questions to reinforce memory. Discussing the content with students enhances critical thinking, and reviewing incorrect answers helps them to learn correct reasoning.

Familiarising your child with the test format reduces anxiety and improves test taking strategies. We also help students develop their own vocabulary for patterns and question types, which improves memory and retention. Timed exercises aid in effective time management during the test.

Additionally, we offer advice and support to parents to make learning enjoyable and collaborative.

How do I help my child do well in CAT4?

Contact us using the form above and we will call you back to discuss your child's needs. Our courses are offered all year round, although we will discuss the most appropriate timing based on your child's actual assessment date.

Our courses are spread over a number of short sessions to help students to manage their work and aid memory and retention. We can find dates and times to suit both you and your child's schedule. 

Help to unlock your child's potential today!

Why choose Apex Learners?

All of our courses are specifically targeted towards individual exams with experienced examiners using active revision techniques and real exam examples. 

The sessions are focused on getting top marks and are full of expert advice and examination techniques for each individual section of the CAT4 assessment.

Interactive and hands-on: we work with our students to teach and guide them through the problems they will face in the CAT4 test.

Expert knowledge: all of our teachers and course creators are exam writers and experts in the CAT4 assessment.

Exam skills: gain valuable exam insights and expert tips that will help you achieve outstanding success in the CAT4 test.

See what some of our students have said
Ready to unlock your child's full potential? Enquire about our CAT4 Courses today!
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